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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Confident Beach [audio]

This idea taken straight out of the Brainstorm Vault*

Every heterosexual man with a hypnosis fetish should have this mp3 recording in his collection because it's something everyone should experience. And I highly recommend repetitive listening because this really can make an impressive impact in your personal life and even in your career!

The main focus of this hypnosis session is gaining self-confidence and self-assurance and realizing your full potential. So often in life, you can get so wrapped up in life or get worried or stressed that you can lose sight of yourself. In this mp3, you gain strength, vitality, even gain muscle strength... all the things that make you strong as a man. Even your sex drive will improve, you can choose to make your hair fuller and longer, you can adjust the size of your penis to the size you want it to be, reverse the signs of aging on your face and body, move on from past mistakes, and accept and face new challenges in your life!

This mp3 lets you face on the world in a bold and daring way. You step into the beautiful, crystal waters of the ocean, which builds your confidence and self-worth and allows you the opportunity to add more prosperity to your life so you don't live paycheck to paycheck. Being rich, having a stronger sex drive, a smoother face, a perfect-sized cock, a confident charismatic attitude, strong masculine arms and body, ... and well... once you have all that... all the sexy women on the beach will definitely want to be with you!

And you can have all that... here... at the Confidence Beach!

Only the last few minutes are sexual - the main premise of this recording is about focusing on areas of your life that you'd like to modify. Each area of the recording is completely optional and you can "opt out" of areas if something doesn't appeal to you (for instance, if "anti-aging" doesn't appeal to you - there are things you can do to ignore the suggestions.)

Recording includes:
Erotic hypnosis, self-confidence, self-worth, mind vacation, longer erections, higher sex drive, mind motivation, letting go of regrets/mistakes, being bold/courageous, ease of social interactions, water-beach relaxation meditation, attraction to women, being a ladies man, strong swagger, definition in muscular build, strength in masculinity, hair re-growth, anti-aging smoother face, prosperity and wealth, balance of having a high self-confidence without an ego, powerful body and mind, and at the end of the recording - the women on the beach want nothing more than to please you. End with double fellatio and choice to orgasm if you wish.

Note: Hypnosis really can cause hair to re-grow and cause your penis to enlarge/decrease (depending how you choose to adjust the size), and hypnosis really can help reduce the signs of aging. The power of your mind is very strong and you'll be amazed at what repetitive listening can do over time!


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